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‘Hoekx en Derissen’ becomes ‘Link Intelligence’

Repackaged to perfection

In almost every factory, opportunities are there for the taking. Whether you seize those opportunities depends on how you look at them and what you do with them. Over a twelve-year period, the demand for our expertise and approach has grown tremendously. Along the way, you meet individuals with a similar view of people, processes and life, and new collaborations arise.

This is how ‘Link Intelligence’ came about: seasoned experts who can achieve even more for a factory together than alone. With the creation of Link Intelligence, the name Hoekx and Derissen will gradually disappear. Fons Hoekx and Bas Derissen remain in the company, of course, along with associates Rudi Spierings and Paul van den Akker. The focus remains the same: jointly finding, realising and guaranteeing the highest possible performance in a factory, in terms of both quality and quantity.

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