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“It has to be really challenging”
About us

A few steps beyond

There are gains to be made in every organisation and in every production environment. Based on experience, we would say a lot of gains. Take a good look at what you’re doing today. Discover how to fundamentally exploit opportunities to the benefit of your entire factory and organisation. Embrace today’s challenge to shape the future!

We look at each case from a broad perspective: the future of your factory. Our assignment therefore starts with a thorough and down-to-earth analysis: what obstacles do you encounter, what do you want to achieve, how do we get there and better still: how do we go beyond that. The resulting plan is comprehensive and worked out to the nth degree, and when the plan is implemented, we’re on it! .
From day one, we are in it together, working closely with your own people. We coach individuals or manage your project, but always as part of your team. This is not only because we want to mobilise support, but simply because that is who we are. Approachable, respectful and helpful. That’s how you achieve lasting change.

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Our team

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‘Much more is possible than you think.’

In their day-to-day work, many people become fixated about ‘what is’ instead of ‘what can be’. Yet that is exactly where the difference can be made. Wherever I go, once I have taken stock, my first step is to bring people together and open a dialogue. Everyone can learn from each other and help one another. This sounds like a small and simple step, but it is the only way to achieve sustainable growth. Sharing knowledge, trusting each other, giving one another something… that’s what it’s all about.

It’s great to see what happens when you start working as a team. The dynamics, the fun, but also the ambition and outlook. With the right guidance, suddenly you’re not looking at the machine that could operate for more hours, but at how to take the factory to the next level. With the same effort, in the same number of hours and, in many cases, using the same resources. Much more is possible than you think.

Core skills & expertise
  • Operational Technology expert
  • Connecting and uniting people
  • Always unlocking the full potential
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‘You will always find something. But is it something important?’

I consider myself a privileged person. Every day, we get to help people achieve their ultimate goals. Funnily enough, it always starts with the same thing: exploration or paving the way. For me, the challenge is always finding the right balance. Between in-depth exploration on the one hand and the importance and urgency of the project on the other. In fact, whether you find something depends on the distance from which you look at it.

Experience helps a lot. Over the years, we have learned to explore in depth, draw conclusions and make recommendations in a short period of time. There is nothing better than gathering information, analysing it all and, when designing a solution, gradually finding that not only does everything add up, but you can achieve tremendous results.

Core skills & expertise
  • Feasibility studies and business cases
  • Business analysis and troubleshooting
  • Collecting, processing and interpreting data
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‘Problems don’t exist. Only opportunities.’

We are not unique in what we do. I would be the first to admit that. I could easily name a handful of competitors. But I can also confidently say that no one else works like we do. If you really want to achieve something in a factory, you have to have the guts to look beyond the immediate problem you are trying to solve. Every day, opportunities present themselves to take your organisation and your processes to the next level.

Every career is based on trial and error. Mine too and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s about how you apply and make use of your knowledge and experience. I enjoy being involved with technology and realising solutions together that have been properly thought through. Helping people not to take the shortest route, but to aim for the best result is the greatest thing there is.

Core skills & expertise
  • 'Generating' optimism and making connections between people and departments
  • Strongly developed analytical ability
  • Effective application of previously acquired knowledge and experience
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‘It helps if you know what cable laying is’

You may have studied extensively, but if you don’t understand what happens within the workplace, only marginal results will be achieved. My career literally started by laying cables. As I am very eager to learn and I find technology fascinating, I have continued to develop, both through experience and through training. It gives me a huge edge in the field. I know how people think and how to make sure something works or will work.

Working for Link Intelligence is a gift. Each day we motivate people to go the extra mile together and we look differently at everyday processes. As we get involved at a very early stage of a process, we can really make a difference and see how everything evolves from day one.

Core skills & expertise
  • Broad education and experience (both IEA and W)
  • Connecting people throughout the organisation
  • Optimal use of budget and time
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‘I get a huge kick from really making a difference’

We are usually involved in finding a solution at an early stage. When I joined Link Intelligence, that was new to me and the major advantage of this is that I can really make a difference within an organisation. We often start from scratch and come up with a solution that allows you to make maximum impact within the business process or factory.

On the shop floor, that’s where the money is made. Having worked in the field for many years (both in operations and management), I speak the language and know the ins and outs of both processes and technology. I also want to keep learning and challenging myself. In our work, this is essential. It not only ensures that trust is quickly established, but also that you can make the right decisions in a short period of time.

Core skills & expertise
  • Electrical engineering and (industrial) automation
  • Enthusing and energising people
  • Optimal use of budget and time
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‘Let people do what they do best’

I know it sounds obvious, but you only achieve optimal results when everyone does what they do best. I am responsible for this and for getting people to work together. Making connections, ensuring communication and getting everyone involved.
Because we get to participate and (even) think ahead at an early stage, I know all the ins and outs of a project and get to know people well. This means I not only utilise my experience in (electrical) engineering and automation, but also help people achieve great results. High quality, from technical design to implementation. Practical and low maintenance. Great to do.

Core skills & expertise
  • Broad knowledge and experience in the dairy sector
  • Electrical engineering and software
  • Motivating and energising people
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‘You can learn how to perform under pressure.’

What do you do when the stakes are high and your line goes down? Stay calm! In the turmoil of everyday life, there is an art to taking a step back in order to get things right the first time. This will save you time and a lot of headaches.
I spent a long time gaining hands-on experience. First as a technician, later as a project manager and always at the intersection of (mechanical) construction, control engineering, process control, operations and maintenance.

It is great that I can now apply that knowledge and experience differently to help people move forward. Very pragmatically from fundamentally reducing the number of failures of an installation and dealing with spare parts, to rolling out a sound plan for an entire factory. At Link Intelligence, I am able to see the whole project through my client’s eyes, as if I were my own client. I find that very special and this feels like the icing on the cake.

Core skills & expertise
  • Limiting downtime and failure susceptibility
  • Enabling teams to excel
  • Translating challenges into sustainable solutions
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‘Just give me a blank sheet!’

A wealth of information is collected every day in every process and factory. However, much of that information remains untapped, even though it could help you enormously in the optimal design of new processes and installations. Give me a blank sheet and I will work out how you can achieve the ideal situation. I do this by looking very carefully at what is happening and what you want to achieve. This is what energises me.

Something great about working at Link Intelligence is that nothing is done from an ivory tower. We know exactly what is going on (at every level) and work together step-by-step towards a solution. Not only does this create support, it also helps you to arrive at the best (and most sustainable) solution.

Core skills & expertise
  • Food Technology
  • Safeguarding and monitoring food safety
  • Pioneering: from 'nothing' to the best sustainable solution
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‘Through empathy, you create connection; through connection, you build a team!‘

I have built a strong foundation through practical experience. Over the years, I have grown from hands-on work to broad expertise in project management. This journey has ultimately led me to the role of branch manager, where I am able to apply my knowledge and leadership skills daily. With a focus on results-driven work and team guidance, I strive to ensure smooth project execution and achieve lasting success.

Working in a team energizes me, and reaching the final result together brings me great satisfaction. It’s easy to see what someone cannot do, but bringing out their full potential requires a personal approach.

Core skills & expertise
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in the dairy industry
  • Motivating and empowering others
  • Coming up with solutions to problems